Charles River Plaza
Wayfinding/Signage & Placemaking/Graphics
COLLABORATION WITH Selbert Perkins Design
Wayfinding Signage
Branded Placemaking
Environmental Graphics
Site Masterplan

Selbert Perkins Design (SPD) was contact by a major hospital in the Boston area, about their potential rebranding effort. As, Senior Experiential designer, I was tasked with completing most of the design work under the direction of the Company Owner and Creative Director. We created a wayfinding and placemaking masterplan for the site for presentation to the administration. All of our work became theoretical when the hospital completed a separate branding effort our client team did not know about.
For the site masterplan we completed a very in-depth site audit, user journey mapping exercise, and brief signage family. The assessment was the location was hard for patients to find as was the parking garage, which is where they were instructed to park via information sent prior to arrival. We recommended a new approach to hierarchy of naming as well as petitioning the city for new signage in key locations seen from the main road. Utilizing the main tenants of the new brand: Humanity, Ingenuity, and Authenticity, we developed a comprehensive wayfinding system that could be extended across the main campus.

We created a graphic approach utilizing the main tenants of the new brand: Humanity, Ingenuity, and Authenticity, as well as the history of the hospital's achievements. We incorporated placemaking elements as both brand extension and wayfinding support across the plaza.

Unfortunately, the hospital merged with another local hospital group and formed another brand name before our ideas could be brought to the administration. The final design lives in digital format only with Circulation Diagrams, Signtypes Diagram, Sign Location Plans, and Rendered Design ideas across the plaza and public interior's of the buildings.