Huntington Theatre
Wayfinding/Signage & Placemaking/Graphics
Completed while employed with Selbert Perkins Design
Environmental Graphic Design
ADA & Wayfinding Signage
Custom Digital Signage
3D Visualization

Selbert Perkins Design (SPD) was contacted by Bruner/Cott Architects on behalf of the Huntington Theatre Company to help design a suite of digital signage for the outside of the building as well as develop a wayfinding and placemaking graphic system for the newly renovated interior.

We developed a Front of House and Back of House strategy, using Glass & Brass and Glass & Steel respectively, throughout the entire interior. For the exterior we focused our strategy on marking the new entrance, making the original stone poster boxes more easily updatable through the use of digital, and paying homage to the original building name signage on the exterior balcony space.

We also were able to walk them through a very new update to their restroom signage and system, creating a more equitable environment for everyone while still following the rules and regulations set forth by the ADA.

Simultaneous to this project the theatre went through a rebrand as well. We worked with their team to develop a series of options that would help showcase the history of the space. Ultimately the addition of the tower black next door, set to change the entire theatre, was put on hold and the placemaking was as well.

The space is set to have it's grand opening in March 2023 and have their first season post renovation starting September 2023. As of now the space is still having items installed and updated to meet the desired effect. The team at Bruner/Cott and The Huntington are excited to see their space come alive again.